Podcast audio version of episode 030 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azjl-rsbZ6A.

Podcast audio version of episode 030 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azjl-rsbZ6A.
Podcast audio version of episode 026 of the Theopologetics live YouTube stream, available for on-demand viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16zMTIxp0M0.
Jim Wallace from Please Convince Me and Stand to Reason joins me to discuss his new book, Cold Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels.
Jim Wallace from Please Convince Me joins me to discuss the gospels as reliable eyewitness testimony to the person and work of Jesus Christ.
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview Justin Brierley, host of the Unbelievable? radio program on Premier Christian Radio UK, discussing how hosting the show has impacted his Christian faith.
In this episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I discuss several alleged contradictions in Scripture, pointed to by theological liberals as evidence against the inerrancy of Scripture, and by skeptics as evidence against the overall reliability of the Bible.
In this third episode of the Theopologetics Podcast I interview a guest concerning the topic of “presuppositional apologetics,” an approach to apologetics in which one does not attempt to provide evidence that proves the truth claims of Christianity, but rather that the presupposition that God exists is necessary to account for many of the things we instinctively know to be true.